What is twitter save order?
May 18, 2023

What is twitter save order?

On Twitter, the save order is determined by how often a tweet is saved by other users. Saving means saving tweets that a user likes or is interested in so that they can be easily found later. Generally, the more a tweet is saved, the more likely it is to be ranked higher by the Twitter algorithm. However, no clear information has been provided on exactly how Twitter’s algorithm works, as the company does not disclose such details. Twitter tries to get more engagement by personalizing the timeline and presenting users with content they may be interested in. Therefore, the ranking of tweets can depend on a combination of other factors besides saves. For example, interactions such as the number of likes, retweets, and comments on a tweet can also play an important role in ranking. While Twitter prioritizes tweets from people they follow, Twitter also strives to ensure that popular tweets reach a wide audience. For this reason, tweets with higher engagement and more recorded can often have a higher ranking. It is difficult to specify an exact ranking formula, as Twitter is constantly updating and improving its ranking algorithm. For this reason, users should generally try to build their tweets to get more engagement and target people who are interested in their content.

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