What is the order of the videos shown on twitter?
May 19, 2023

What is the order of the videos shown on twitter?

The sorting algorithm of videos shown on Twitter is also complex and dynamic. Twitter tries to personalize the timeline based on users’ interests and preferences. There are several factors that affect the ranking of videos: Relevance: Twitter ranks videos based on users’ interests and previous interactions. For example, if a user watches or likes more videos on a particular topic, those types of videos may rank higher in their timeline. Interactions: Interactions, such as how many likes, retweets, comments, and shares a video is rated, can affect the video’s ranking. Popular and viral videos can stand out to reach a wider audience. Account and Followers: Videos can also be ranked based on factors such as the number of followers of the accounts, their interactions, and the overall popularity of the accounts. For example, videos from accounts with a large number of followers and an active community may rank higher. New and Fresh Content: Twitter strives to promote up-to-date and fresh content. Therefore, newly uploaded videos, never-before-seen content, and the latest videos on popular topics are more likely to appear higher in the timeline. Twitter’s algorithm for ranking videos is constantly changing and updated. The order of videos viewed by each user may differ from each other as it tries to personalize the timeline based on users’ interests and preferences.

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